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1856 United States presidential election

1856 United States presidential election

← 1852 November 4, 1856 1860 →

296 members of the Electoral College
149 electoral votes needed to win
Turnout79.4%[1] Increase 9.9 pp
James Buchanan (cropped).jpg
John Charles Fremont crop.jpg
Fillmore (cropped).jpg
Nominee James Buchanan John C. Frémont Millard Fillmore
Party Democratic Republican Know Nothing
Alliance North American Whig
Home state Pennsylvania California New York
Running mate John C. Breckinridge William L. Dayton Andrew J. Donelson
Electoral vote 174 114 8
States carried 19 11 1
Popular vote 1,836,072 1,342,345 873,053
Percentage 45.3% 33.1% 21.5%

1856 United States presidential election in California1856 United States presidential election in Oregon1856 United States presidential election in Texas1856 United States presidential election in Iowa1856 United States presidential election in Missouri1856 United States presidential election in Arkansas1856 United States presidential election in Louisiana1856 United States presidential election in Wisconsin1856 United States presidential election in Illinois1856 United States presidential election in Michigan1856 United States presidential election in Indiana1856 United States presidential election in Ohio1856 United States presidential election in Kentucky1856 United States presidential election in Tennessee1856 United States presidential election in Mississippi1856 United States presidential election in Alabama1856 United States presidential election in Georgia1856 United States presidential election in Florida1856 United States presidential election in South Carolina1856 United States presidential election in North CarolinaUnited States presidential election in Virginia, 18561856 United States presidential election in Maryland1856 United States presidential election in Delaware1856 United States presidential election in Pennsylvania1856 United States presidential election in New Jersey1856 United States presidential election in New York1856 United States presidential election in Connecticut1856 United States presidential election in Rhode Island1856 United States presidential election in Maryland1856 United States presidential election in Vermont1856 United States presidential election in New Hampshire1856 United States presidential election in Maine1856 United States presidential election in Massachusetts1856 United States presidential election in Maryland1856 United States presidential election in Delaware1856 United States presidential election in New Jersey1856 United States presidential election in Connecticut1856 United States presidential election in Rhode Island1856 United States presidential election in Massachusetts1856 United States presidential election in Vermont1856 United States presidential election in New Hampshire
Presidential election results map. Blue denotes states won by Buchanan/Breckinridge, Red by Frémont/Dayton, and Lavender by Fillmore/Donelson. Numbers indicate the number of electoral votes cast by each state.

President before election

Franklin Pierce

Elected President

James Buchanan

The 1856 United States presidential election was the 18th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 4, 1856. In a three-way election, Democrat James Buchanan defeated Republican nominee John C. Frémont and Know Nothing nominee Millard Fillmore. The main issue was the expansion of slavery as facilitated by the Kansas–Nebraska Act of 1854. Buchanan defeated President Franklin Pierce at the 1856 Democratic National Convention for the nomination. Pierce had become widely unpopular in the North because of his support for the pro-slavery faction in the ongoing civil war in territorial Kansas, and Buchanan, a former Secretary of State, had avoided the divisive debates over the Kansas–Nebraska Act by being in Europe as the Ambassador to the United Kingdom.

Slavery was the main issue, and with it the question of the survival of the United States as it then existed. The Democrats were seen as the pro-slavery party; the new Republican party, though hostile to slavery, limited its efforts to the politically more manageable question of the extension of slavery into federal territories (and its removal from the District of Columbia). The nativist Know Nothings (known formally as the American Party) competed with the Republicans to replace the moribund Whig Party as the primary opposition to the Democrats. They emphasized opposition to Catholic immigrants.

The 1856 Republican National Convention nominated a ticket led by Frémont, an explorer and military officer who had served in the Mexican–American War. The Know Nothings, who ignored slavery and instead emphasized anti-immigration and anti-Catholic policies, nominated a ticket led by former Whig President Millard Fillmore. Domestic political turmoil was a major factor in the nominations of both Buchanan and Fillmore, who appealed in part because of their recent time abroad, when they did not have to take a position on the divisive questions related to slavery.

The Democrats supported expansionist slave-holding policies generally of varying intensities. Southern Democrats were all in favor of the expansion of slavery. Some wanted to obtain Cuba as slave territory, as espoused by the Ostend Manifesto. Northern Democrats called for "popular sovereignty", which in theory would allow the residents in a territory to decide for themselves the legal status of slavery. In practice, in Kansas Territory, it produced a state-level civil war. Frémont opposed the expansion of slavery. Buchanan called that position "extremist", warning that a Republican victory would lead to disunion, a then constant issue of political debate which had already been long discussed and advocated. The Know Nothings attempted to present themselves as the one party capable of bridging the sectional divides. All three major parties found support in the North, but the Republicans had virtually no backing in the South.

Buchanan won a plurality of the popular vote and a majority of the electoral vote, taking all but one slave state and five free states. Frémont won a majority of electoral votes from free states and finished second in the nationwide popular vote, while Fillmore took 21.5% of the popular vote but only carried Maryland. The Know Nothings soon collapsed as a national party, as most of its anti-slavery members joined the Republican Party after the 1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford Supreme Court ruling. This election marked the end of the Second Party System, 1856 also proved to be the last Democratic presidential victory until 1884, as Republicans emerged as the dominant party during and after the Civil War. As of 2023, this is the only time that the Democrats won the presidency without any electoral votes from New England and the only time that a Republican swept this region without winning the presidency (losing New Hampshire to Woodrow Wilson in 1916 with a margin of 56 votes).


The 1856 presidential election was primarily waged among three political parties, though other parties had been active in the spring of the year. The conventions of these parties are considered below in order of the party's popular vote.

Democratic Party nomination

1856 Democratic Party ticket
James Buchanan John C. Breckinridge
for President for Vice President
U.S. Minister to Great Britain
U.S. Representative
for Kentucky's 8th
Franklin Pierce, the incumbent president in 1856, whose term expired on March 4, 1857

Democratic candidates:

Buchanan/Breckinridge campaign poster

The Democratic Party was wounded from its devastating losses in the 1854–1855 midterm elections. Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois, who had sponsored the Kansas-Nebraska Act, entered the race in opposition to President Franklin Pierce. The Pennsylvania delegation continued to sponsor its favorite son Buchanan.

The Seventh Democratic National Convention was held in Smith and Nixon's Hall in Cincinnati, Ohio, on June 2 to 6, 1856. The delegates were deeply divided over slavery. On the first ballot, Buchanan placed first with 135.5 votes to 122.5 for Pierce, 33 for Douglas, and 5 for Senator Lewis Cass, who had been the presidential nominee in 1848. With each succeeding ballot, Douglas gained at Pierce's expense. On the 15th ballot, most of Pierce's delegates shifted to Douglas in an attempt to stop Buchanan, but Douglas withdrew when it became clear Buchanan had the support of the majority of those at the convention, also fearing that his continued participation might lead to divisions within the party that could endanger its chances in the general election. For the first time in American history someone who had been elected president was denied re-nomination after seeking it.

A host of candidates were nominated for the vice presidency, but a number of them attempted to withdraw themselves from consideration, among them the eventual nominee, John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky. Breckinridge, besides having been selected as an elector, was also supporting former Speaker of the House Linn Boyd for the vice presidential nomination. However, following a draft effort led by the delegation from Vermont, Breckinridge was nominated on the second ballot.

Republican Party nomination

1856 Republican Party ticket
John C. Frémont William L. Dayton
for President for Vice President
U.S. Senator from California
U.S. Senator from New Jersey

Republican candidates:

Fremont/Dayton campaign poster

The Republican Party was formed in early 1854 to oppose the Kansas-Nebraska Act. During the midterm elections of 1854–1855, the Republican Party was one of the patchwork of anti-administration parties contesting the election, but they were able to win thirteen seats in the House of Representatives for the 34th Congress. However, the party collaborated with other disaffected groups and gradually absorbed them. In the elections of 1855, the Republican Party won three governorships.

The first Republican National Convention was held in the Musical Fund Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on June 17 to 19, 1856. The convention approved an anti-slavery platform that called for congressional sovereignty in the territories, an end to polygamy in Mormon settlements, and federal assistance for a transcontinental railroad—a political outcome of the Pacific Railroad Surveys. John C. Frémont, John McLean, William Seward, Salmon Chase, and Charles Sumner all were considered by those at the convention, but the latter three requested that their names be withdrawn. Seward and Chase did not feel that the party was yet sufficiently organized to have a realistic chance of taking the White House and were content to wait until the next election. Sumner was in no fit condition to run after being violently assaulted on the Senate floor a month before the convention. McLean's name was initially withdrawn by his manager Rufus Spalding, but the withdrawal was rescinded at the strong behest of the Pennsylvania delegation led by Thaddeus Stevens.[2] Kentucky was the only southern state to have a delegation at the convention.[3] Frémont was nominated for president overwhelmingly on the formal ballot, and William L. Dayton was nominated for vice president over Abraham Lincoln.

American (Know-Nothing) Party nomination

1856 American Party ticket
Millard Fillmore Andrew J. Donelson
for President for Vice President
President of the United States
U.S. Envoy to Prussia

American Party candidates:

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1852 United States presidential election
1860 United States presidential election
Electoral College (United States)
Percentage point
File:James Buchanan (cropped).jpg
File:John Charles Fremont crop.jpg
File:Fillmore (cropped).jpg
James Buchanan
John C. Frémont
Millard Fillmore
Democratic Party (United States)
Republican Party (United States)
Know Nothing
North American Party
Whig Party (United States)
New York State
John C. Breckinridge
William L. Dayton
Andrew Jackson Donelson
1856 United States presidential election in California
1856 United States presidential election in Oregon
1856 United States presidential election in Texas
1856 United States presidential election in Iowa
1856 United States presidential election in Missouri
1856 United States presidential election in Arkansas
1856 United States presidential election in Louisiana
1856 United States presidential election in Wisconsin
1856 United States presidential election in Illinois
1856 United States presidential election in Michigan
1856 United States presidential election in Indiana
1856 United States presidential election in Ohio
1856 United States presidential election in Kentucky
1856 United States presidential election in Tennessee
1856 United States presidential election in Mississippi
1856 United States presidential election in Alabama
1856 United States presidential election in Georgia
1856 United States presidential election in Florida
1856 United States presidential election in South Carolina
1856 United States presidential election in North Carolina
United States presidential election in Virginia, 1856
1856 United States presidential election in Maryland
1856 United States presidential election in Delaware
1856 United States presidential election in Pennsylvania
1856 United States presidential election in New Jersey
1856 United States presidential election in New York
1856 United States presidential election in Connecticut
1856 United States presidential election in Rhode Island
1856 United States presidential election in Maryland
1856 United States presidential election in Vermont
1856 United States presidential election in New Hampshire
1856 United States presidential election in Maine
1856 United States presidential election in Massachusetts
1856 United States presidential election in Maryland
1856 United States presidential election in Delaware
1856 United States presidential election in New Jersey
1856 United States presidential election in Connecticut
1856 United States presidential election in Rhode Island
1856 United States presidential election in Massachusetts
1856 United States presidential election in Vermont
1856 United States presidential election in New Hampshire
United States Electoral College
Franklin Pierce
Democratic Party (United States)
James Buchanan
Democratic Party (United States)
United States presidential election
History of the Democratic Party (United States)
James Buchanan
History of the Republican Party (United States)
John C. Frémont
Know Nothing
Millard Fillmore
Kansas–Nebraska Act
Franklin Pierce
1856 Democratic National Convention
Bleeding Kansas
Kansas Territory
Kansas–Nebraska Act
United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Slavery in the United States
District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act
Whig Party (United States)
1856 Republican National Convention
Mexican–American War
Nativism (politics)#Nativism in the United States
Anti-Catholicism in the United States#19th century
1856 American National Convention
Millard Fillmore
Ostend Manifesto
Northern Democratic Party
Popular sovereignty in the United States
Nashville Convention
Electoral College (United States)
Slave states and free states
1856 United States presidential election in Maryland
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Supreme Court of the United States
Second Party System
1884 United States presidential election
New England
New Hampshire
Woodrow Wilson
1916 United States presidential election in New Hampshire
1856 Democratic National Convention
James Buchanan
John C. Breckinridge
File:James Buchanan, U.S. Secretary of State.jpg
File:John C Breckinridge-04775-restored.jpg
United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom
United States House of Representatives
Kentucky's 8th congressional district
File:Mathew Brady - Franklin Pierce - alternate crop.jpg
Franklin Pierce
James Buchanan
Franklin Pierce
Stephen Douglas
Lewis Cass
File:James Buchanan, U.S. Secretary of State.jpg
United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom
United States Secretary of State
James Buchanan
File:Mathew Brady - Franklin Pierce - alternate crop.jpg
Franklin Pierce
File:Stephen A Douglas - headshot.jpg
United States Senate
Stephen A. Douglas
File:Lewis Cass circa 1855.jpg
United States Senate
Lewis Cass
Lewis Cass
1848 United States presidential election
John C. Breckinridge
Linn Boyd
1856 Republican National Convention
John C. Frémont
William L. Dayton
File:John Charles Fremont crop.jpg
File:William L. Dayton.jpg
United States Senate
United States Senate
New Jersey
File:1856 dayton fremont.jpg
John C. Frémont
John McLean
File:John Charles Fremont crop.jpg
United States Senate
John C. Frémont
File:John McLean - History of Ohio.jpg
List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States
John McLean
File:Frémont-Dayton 1856Poster.png
Anti-Nebraska movement
Mormonism and polygamy
Transcontinental railroad
Pacific Railroad Surveys
Caning of Charles Sumner
Rufus P. Spalding
Thaddeus Stevens
William L. Dayton
Abraham Lincoln
1856 American National Convention
Millard Fillmore
Andrew Jackson Donelson
File:Andrew J. Donelson portrait.jpg
List of presidents of the United States
President of the United States
United States Ambassador to Germany
Millard Fillmore
George Law (financier)
Millard Fillmore
George Law (financier)
1856 United States presidential election
1856 United States presidential election
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Uchaguzi wa Rais wa Marekani, 1856
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