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Committees of correspondence
The Boston Committee of Correspondence, which usually gathered at the Liberty Tree in Boston Common

The committees of correspondence were a collection of American political organizations that sought to coordinate opposition to British Parliament and, later, support for American independence during the American Revolution. The brainchild of Samuel Adams, a Patriot from Boston, the committees sought to establish, through the writing of letters, an underground network of communication among Patriot leaders in the Thirteen Colonies. The committees were instrumental in setting up the First Continental Congress, which convened in Philadelphia in September and October 1774.


The function of the committees was to alert the residents of a given colony of the actions taken by the British Crown, and to disseminate information from cities to the countryside. The news was typically spread via hand-written letters or printed pamphlets, which would be carried by couriers on horseback or aboard ships. The committees were responsible for ensuring that this news accurately reflected the views of Patriots, and was dispatched to the proper receiving groups. Many correspondents were members of colonial legislative assemblies, and others were also active in the Sons of Liberty and Stamp Act Congress.[1]

A total of about 7,000 to 8,000 Patriots served on these committees at the colonial and local levels, comprising most of the leadership in their communities; Loyalists were naturally excluded. The committees became the leaders of the American resistance to Great Britain, and largely directed the Revolutionary War effort at the state and local level.

The committees promoted patriotism and home manufacturing, advising Americans to avoid luxuries, and lead a more simple life. The committees gradually extended their power over many aspects of American public life. In late 1774 and early 1775, they supervised the elections of provincial conventions, which began the operation of a true colonial government.[2]


The first committees of correspondence were established in Boston in 1764 to rally opposition to the Currency Act and unpopular reforms imposed on the customs service.[3]

During the Stamp Act crisis the following year, the Province of New York formed a committee to urge common resistance among its neighbors to the new taxes. The Province of Massachusetts Bay's correspondents responded by urging other colonies to send delegates to the Stamp Act Congress that fall. The resulting committees disbanded after the crisis was over.

Pro-revolutionary Patriot leaders in Boston, believing they were confronting increasingly hostile threats by the British royal government, established the first long-standing committee with the approval of a town meeting in late 1772. By spring 1773, Patriots decided to follow the Massachusetts system and began to set up their own committees in each colony. The Colony of Virginia appointed an eleven-member committee in March, quickly followed by the colonies of Rhode Island, Connecticut, the Province of New Hampshire, and the Province of South Carolina. By February 1774, 11 colonies had set up their own committees; of the thirteen colonies that eventually rebelled, only the provinces of North Carolina and Pennsylvania did not.


In Delaware Colony, a committee of correspondence was established by Thomas McKean after ten years of agitation centered in New Castle County. In neighboring Kent County, Caesar Rodney set up a second committee, followed by Sussex County. Following the recommendation of the First Continental Congress in 1774, the committees were replaced by elected "committees of inspection" with a subcommittee of correspondence. The new committees specialized in intelligence work, especially the identification of men opposed to the Patriot cause. The committees were a driving force in popularizing the demand for independence.

The correspondence committees exchanged information with others in Boston, Philadelphia, and elsewhere. Their leadership was often drawn upon to provide Delaware with executive leaders. The committees of inspection used publicity as weapons to suppress disaffection and encourage patriotism. With imports from Britain cut off, the committees sought to make America self-sufficient, so they encouraged the cultivation of flax and the raising of sheep for wool. The committees helped organize local militia in the hundreds and later in the counties and all of Delaware. With their encouragement, the Delaware Assembly elected delegates to Continental Congress favorable to independence.[4]


In November 1772 in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, Samuel Adams, Joseph Warren, and Mercy Otis Warren formed a committee in response to the Gaspée Affair and to the recent British decision to have the salaries of the royal governor and judges be paid by the British Crown rather than the colonial assembly, a measure which effectively stripped the colony of its means of holding public officials accountable to their constituents.

In the following months, more than one hundred other committees were formed in towns and villages throughout Massachusetts. The Massachusetts committee's headquarters, based in Boston and led by Adams, became a model for other Patriot groups. The meeting establishing the committee set its purpose, outlining "the rights of the colonists, and of this province in particular, as men, as Christians, and as subjects; to communicate and publish the same to the several towns in this province and to the world as the sense of this town."[5]

New York

Fraunces Tavern in Lower Manhattan, the meeting place of the Committee of Fifty on May 16, 1774

In response to the news that the Port of Boston would be closed under the Boston Port Act, an advertisement was posted at the coffee house on Wall Street in New York City, a noted place of resort for shipmasters and merchants, inviting merchants to meet on May 16, 1774, at the Fraunces Tavern "in order to consult on measures proper to be pursued on the present critical and important situation."[6] At the meeting, chaired by Isaac Low, the committee resolved to nominate a 50-member committee of correspondence to be submitted to the public. On May 17, 1774, they published a notice calling on the public to meet at the coffee house on May 19 at 1 p.m. to approve the committee and appoint others as they may see fit.[7] At the meeting on May 19, Francis Lewis was also nominated and the entire Committee of Fifty-one was confirmed.[8]

On May 23, 1774, the committee met at the coffee house and appointed Isaac Low as permanent chairman and John Alsop as deputy chairman.[9] The committee then formed a subcommittee, which produced a letter in response to the letters from Boston, calling for a "Congress of Deputies from the Colonies" to be assembled, which became known as the First Continental Congress and was approved by the committee.[10]

On May 30, 1774, the Committee formed a subcommittee to write a letter to the supervisors of New York's counties to exhort them to also form similar committees of correspondence, which was adopted in a meeting of the Committee on May 31.[11]

On July 4, 1774, a resolution was approved to appoint five delegates contingent upon their confirmation by the freeholders of the City and County of New York, and to request that the other counties also send delegates.[12] Isaac Low, John Alsop, James Duane, Philip Livingston, and John Jay were then appointed, and the public of the City and County was invited to attend City Hall and approve the appointments on July 7.[13] This caused friction with the more radical Sons of Liberty, known as the Committee of Mechanics faction, who held a meeting in the fields on July 6.[14] Three counties, Westchester, Duchess, and Albany acquiesced to the five delegates, while three counties, Kings, Suffolk, and Orange, sent delegates of their own.[15]

North Carolina

By 1773, the political situation had deteriorated. There was concern about the courts. Massachusetts' young and ardent Boston patriot, Josiah Quincy Jr.,[16] visited North Carolina for five days. He spent the night of March 26, 1773, at Cornelius Harnett's home near Wilmington, North Carolina. The two discussed and drew up plans for a Committee of Correspondence. The committee's purpose: communicate circumstances and revolutionary sentiment among the colonies. It was after this meeting that Quincy dubbed Harnett the "Samuel Adams of North Carolina."[17][18]

In December 1773, the North Carolina Committee of Correspondence formed in Wilmington. Although Harnett was absent, he was made chairman of the committee. Other members included John Harvey, Robert Howe, Richard Caswell, Edward Vail, John Ashe, Joseph Hewes, Samuel Johnston, and William Hooper.[19][20]


Among the last to form a committee of correspondence, the Province of Pennsylvania did so at a meeting in Philadelphia on May 20, 1774. In a compromise between the more radical and more conservative factions of political activists, the committee was formed by combining the lists each faction proposed. That committee of 19 diversified and grew to 43, then to 66, and finally to two different groups of 100 between May 1774 and its dissolution in September 1776. Ultimately, 160 men from Pennsylvania participated in one or more of the committees, though only four were regularly elected to all of them: Thomas Barclay, John Cox Jr., John Dickinson, and Joseph Reed.[21]


In early March 1773, Dabney Carr proposed the formation of a permanent Committee of Correspondence before the Virginia House of Burgesses. Virginia's own committee was formed on March 12, 1773. Its members were Peyton Randolph, Robert Carter Nicholas, Richard Bland, Richard Henry Lee, Benjamin Harrison, Edmund Pendleton, Patrick Henry, Dudley Digges, Dabney Carr, Archibald Cary, and Thomas Jefferson.[22]

Other colonies

By July 1773, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and South Carolina had also formed committees.

With Pennsylvania's action in May 1774, all of the colonies that eventually rebelled had established such committees.[23]

The colonial committees successfully organized common resistance to the Tea Act and even recruited physicians who would write that drinking tea would make Americans "weak, effeminate, and valetudinarian for life."

These permanent committees performed the important planning necessary for the First Continental Congress, which convened in September 1774. The Second Congress created its own committee of correspondence to communicate the American interpretation of events to foreign nations.

These committees were replaced during the revolution with Provincial Congresses.

By 1780, committees of correspondence had also been formed in Great Britain and Ireland.[24]

See also


  1. ^ Albert Bushnell Hart (1897). Formation of the Union. p. 49. ISBN 9781406816990.
  2. ^ Norton & Blight (2001), pp. 144–145.
  3. ^ Richard D. Brown, Revolutionary Politics in Massachusetts: The Boston Committee of Correspondence and the Towns, 1772–1774 (1976) ch 1
  4. ^ Hancock (1973)
  5. ^ Smith (1976), p. 368.
  6. ^ Dawson 1886, pp. 7–8.
  7. ^ Dawson 1886, pp. 9–10.
  8. ^ Dawson 1886, p. 10.
  9. ^ Dawson 1886, p. 16.
  10. ^ Dawson 1886, p. 17.
  11. ^ Dawson 1886, p. 20.
  12. ^ Dawson 1886, p. 24.
  13. ^ Dawson 1886, p. 25.
  14. ^ Dawson 1886, pp. 24–25.
  15. ^ Dawson 1886, p. 29.
  16. ^ Lossing (1855), p. 83.
  17. ^ Wells (1865), p. 421.
  18. ^ Maier (1978), pp. 6–7.
  19. ^ Daniels (1986), p. 5.
  20. ^ Smith, Carmen Miner (2006). "Committees of Correspondence (North Carolina)". ncpedia.org. Retrieved October 31, 2019.
  21. ^ Ryerson (1978), pp. 39–42, 49–52, 94–100, 128–131, 156–159, 275–281.
  22. ^ Van Schreeven & Schribner (1976)
  23. ^ Ketchum (2002), p. 245.
  24. ^ Puls (2006), p. 206.


Primary sources

  • Revolutionary Virginia: The Road to Independence. Vol. 2, The Committees and the Second Convention, 1773–1775: A Documentary Record edited by William J. Van Schreeven and Robert L. Schribner, (1974)[ISBN missing]

Further reading

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Committees of correspondence (disambiguation)
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Liberty Tree
Boston Common
Parliament of the United Kingdom
American Revolution
Samuel Adams
Patriot (American Revolution)
Thirteen Colonies
First Continental Congress
British Crown
Patriot (American Revolution)
Sons of Liberty
Stamp Act Congress
Loyalist (American Revolution)
Kingdom of Great Britain
American Revolutionary War
Colonial history of the United States
Currency Act
Stamp Act of 1765
File:Wiki letter w cropped.svg
Currency Act
Stamp Act 1765
Province of New York
Province of Massachusetts Bay
Stamp Act Congress
American Revolutionary War
Colony of Virginia
Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
Connecticut Colony
Province of New Hampshire
Province of South Carolina
Province of North Carolina
Province of Pennsylvania
Delaware Colony
Delaware Colony
Thomas McKean
New Castle County, Delaware
Kent County, Delaware
Caesar Rodney
Sussex County, Delaware
First Continental Congress
Patriot (American Revolution)
Continental Congress
Province of Massachusetts Bay
Province of Massachusetts Bay
Samuel Adams
Joseph Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
Gaspee affair
Committee of Sixty#Committee of Fifty-one
Province of New York
File:Fraunces Tavern Block.JPG
Fraunces Tavern
Lower Manhattan
Committee of Sixty#Committee of Fifty-one
Port of Boston
Boston Port Act
Wall Street
New York City
Fraunces Tavern
Isaac Low
Francis Lewis
John Alsop
First Continental Congress
James Duane
Philip Livingston
John Jay
Sons of Liberty
Westchester County, New York
Duchess County, New York
Albany County, New York
Kings County, New York
Suffolk County, New York
Orange County, New York
Province of North Carolina
Josiah Quincy II
Cornelius Harnett
Wilmington, North Carolina
John Harvey (North Carolina politician)
Robert Howe (Continental Army officer)
Richard Caswell
Edward Vail
John Baptista Ashe (Continental Congress)
Joseph Hewes
Samuel Johnston
William Hooper
Province of Pennsylvania
Province of Pennsylvania
Thomas Barclay (diplomat)
John Dickinson
Joseph Reed (politician)
Colony of Virginia
Dabney Carr (Virginia assemblyman)
History of Virginia
House of Burgesses
Peyton Randolph
Robert Carter Nicholas Sr.
Richard Bland
Richard Henry Lee
Benjamin Harrison V
Edmund Pendleton
Patrick Henry
Edward Digges#Descendants
Dabney Carr (Virginia assemblyman)
Archibald Cary
Thomas Jefferson
Rhode Island
New Hampshire
South Carolina
Tea Act
First Continental Congress
Provincial Congress
Kingdom of Great Britain
Kingdom of Ireland
Committee of safety (American Revolution)
Founding Fathers of the United States
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Lippincott, Grambo & Co.
University of North Carolina Press
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Houghton Mifflin
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Palgrave Macmillan
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University of Pennsylvania Press
ISBN (identifier)
ISBN (identifier)
University of Virginia Press
ISBN (identifier)
Henry B. Dawson
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Category:Committees of correspondence (American Revolution)
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All men are created equal
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Settler colonialism
Pitt–Newcastle ministry
Bute ministry
Grenville ministry
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Chatham ministry
Grafton ministry
North ministry
Second Rockingham ministry
Shelburne ministry
Fox–North coalition
Loyalist (American Revolution)
Black Loyalist
Navigation Acts
Iron Act
Molasses Act
Royal Proclamation of 1763
Sugar Act
Currency Act
Quartering Acts
Stamp Act 1765
Declaratory Act
Townshend Acts
Tea Act
Quebec Act
Intolerable Acts
Conciliatory Resolution
Restraining Acts 1775
Proclamation of Rebellion
Prohibitory Act
Loyal Nine
Stamp Act Congress
Declaration of Rights and Grievances
Virginia Association
Daughters of Liberty
Sons of Liberty
Patriot (American Revolution)
Black Patriot
Committee of safety (American Revolution)
Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania
Massachusetts Circular Letter
Suffolk Resolves
First Continental Congress
Continental Association
Provincial Congress
Second Continental Congress
United Colonies
Olive Branch Petition
Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms
Committee of Secret Correspondence
Halifax Resolves
Lee Resolution
United States Declaration of Independence
Model Treaty
Articles of Confederation
Perpetual Union
Congress of the Confederation
French and Indian War
Treaty of Paris (1763)
Boston Massacre
British credit crisis of 1772–1773
Gaspee affair
Hutchinson letters affair
Boston Tea Party
Philadelphia Tea Party
Powder Alarm
United Colonies
Thirteen Colonies
Continental Congress
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Kingdom of Great Britain
Parliament of Great Britain
British Army#Early British Empire
Royal Navy#1707–1815
Germans in the American Revolution#European allies of Britain
France in the American Revolutionary War
Treaty of Alliance (1778)
French Army
French Navy
Roderigue Hortalez and Company
Germans in the American Revolution#American and European supporters of Congress
Boston campaign
Invasion of Quebec (1775)
Nova Scotia in the American Revolution
New York and New Jersey campaign
Saratoga campaign
Philadelphia campaign
Northern theater of the American Revolutionary War
Northern theater of the American Revolutionary War after Saratoga
Southern theater of the American Revolutionary War
Western theater of the American Revolutionary War
Yorktown campaign
Naval battles of the American Revolutionary War
List of American Revolutionary War battles
Battles of Lexington and Concord
Siege of Boston
Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battle of Quebec (1775)
Battle of Valcour Island
Battle of Long Island
Battle of Harlem Heights
Battle of Fort Washington
Battle of Trenton
Battle of the Assunpink Creek
Battle of Princeton
Siege of Fort Ticonderoga (1777)
Battle of Bennington
Battles of Saratoga
Battle of Brandywine
Battle of Germantown
Battle of Monmouth
Battle of St. Lucia
Battle of Grenada
Battle of Stony Point
Sullivan Expedition
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Great Siege of Gibraltar
Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1780)
Siege of Charleston
Battle of Connecticut Farms
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Battle of Cowpens
Siege of Pensacola
Battle of Guilford Court House
Lochry's Defeat
Battle of the Chesapeake
Siege of Yorktown
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Staten Island Peace Conference
Sint Eustatius#"First Salute"
George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River
Conway Cabal
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