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Dale (crater)
Apollo 12 image
Coordinates9°36′S 82°54′E / 9.6°S 82.9°E / -9.6; 82.9
Diameter22 km
Colongitude278° at sunrise
EponymHenry H. Dale

Dale is a small lunar impact crater located in the far eastern part of the Moon's near side, to the south of the Mare Smythii. It lies to the southeast of the larger crater Kastner and northeast of Ansgarius. The crater is located in a part of the lunar surface that is subject to libration, which can hide it from view for periods of time.

It is a relatively shallow and insignificant crater formation with a somewhat eroded outer rim. A smaller crater lies across the south-southwestern rim, creating a break into the interior. The rim is somewhat lower along the north edge than elsewhere, and the feature is marked only by a few tiny craterlets.


  • Andersson, L. E.; Whitaker, E. A. (1982). NASA Catalogue of Lunar Nomenclature. NASA RP-1097.
  • Blue, Jennifer (July 25, 2007). "Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature". USGS. Retrieved 2007-08-05.
  • Bussey, B.; Spudis, P. (2004). The Clementine Atlas of the Moon. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-81528-4.
  • Cocks, Elijah E.; Cocks, Josiah C. (1995). Who's Who on the Moon: A Biographical Dictionary of Lunar Nomenclature. Tudor Publishers. ISBN 978-0-936389-27-1.
  • McDowell, Jonathan (July 15, 2007). "Lunar Nomenclature". Jonathan's Space Report. Retrieved 2007-10-24.
  • Menzel, D. H.; Minnaert, M.; Levin, B.; Dollfus, A.; Bell, B. (1971). "Report on Lunar Nomenclature by the Working Group of Commission 17 of the IAU". Space Science Reviews. 12 (2): 136–186. Bibcode:1971SSRv...12..136M. doi:10.1007/BF00171763. S2CID 122125855.
  • Moore, Patrick (2001). On the Moon. Sterling Publishing Co. ISBN 978-0-304-35469-6.
  • Price, Fred W. (1988). The Moon Observer's Handbook. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-33500-3.
  • Rükl, Antonín (1990). Atlas of the Moon. Kalmbach Books. ISBN 978-0-913135-17-4.
  • Webb, Rev. T. W. (1962). Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes (6th revised ed.). Dover. ISBN 978-0-486-20917-3.
  • Whitaker, Ewen A. (1999). Mapping and Naming the Moon. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-62248-6.
  • Wlasuk, Peter T. (2000). Observing the Moon. Springer. ISBN 978-1-85233-193-1.
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File:Dale crater AS12-54-7988.jpg
Apollo 12
Selenographic coordinates
Crater depth
Selenographic coordinates
Henry Hallett Dale
Lunar craters
Impact crater
Mare Smythii
Kastner (crater)
Ansgarius (crater)
Ewen Whitaker
United States Geological Survey
Ben Bussey
Paul Spudis
Cambridge University Press
ISBN (identifier)
ISBN (identifier)
Jonathan's Space Report
Bibcode (identifier)
Doi (identifier)
S2CID (identifier)
Patrick Moore
Sterling Publishing Co.
ISBN (identifier)
ISBN (identifier)
Antonín Rükl
Kalmbach Books
ISBN (identifier)
Thomas William Webb
ISBN (identifier)
Ewen Whitaker
ISBN (identifier)
ISBN (identifier)
Template:Craters on the Moon: C–F
Template talk:Craters on the Moon: C–F
Special:EditPage/Template:Craters on the Moon: C–F
List of craters on the Moon
C. Herschel (crater)
C. Mayer (crater)
Cabannes (crater)
Cabeus (crater)
Cailleux (crater)
Cai Lun (crater)
Cajal (crater)
Cajori (crater)
Calippus (crater)
Cameron (crater)
Campanus (crater)
Campbell (lunar crater)
Cannizzaro (crater)
Cannon (crater)
Cantor (crater)
Capella (crater)
Capuanus (crater)
Cardanus (crater)
Carlini (crater)
Carlos (crater)
Carmichael (crater)
Carnot (crater)
Carol (crater)
Carpenter (crater)
Carrel (crater)
Carrillo (crater)
Carrington (crater)
Cartan (crater)
Carver (crater)
Casatus (crater)
Cassegrain (crater)
Cassini (lunar crater)
Catalán (crater)
Catharina (crater)
Cauchy (crater)
Cavalerius (crater)
Cavendish (crater)
Caventou (crater)
Cayley (crater)
Celsius (crater)
Censorinus (crater)
Cepheus (crater)
Chacornac (crater)
Chadwick (crater)
Chaffee (crater)
Challis (crater)
Chalonge (crater)
Chamberlin (lunar crater)
Champollion (crater)
Chandler (crater)
Chang Heng (crater)
Alphonsus (crater)#Interior craters
Chant (crater)
Chaplygin (crater)
Chapman (crater)
Chappe (crater)
Chappell (crater)
Charles (crater)
Charlier (lunar crater)
Chaucer (crater)
Chauvenet (crater)
Chawla (crater)
Chebyshev (crater)
Chernyshev (crater)
Chevallier (crater)
Ching-Te (crater)
Chladni (crater)
Chrétien (crater)
Cichus (crater)
Clairaut (crater)
Clark (lunar crater)
Clausius (crater)
Clavius (crater)
Cleomedes (crater)
Cleostratus (crater)
Clerke (crater)
Coblentz (lunar crater)
Cockcroft (crater)
Collins (crater)
Colombo (crater)
Compton (crater)
Comrie (crater)
Comstock (crater)
Condon (crater)
Condorcet (crater)
Congreve (crater)
Conon (crater)
Cook (crater)
Cooper (crater)
Copernicus (lunar crater)
Cori (lunar crater)
Coriolis (crater)
Couder (crater)
Coulomb (crater)
Courtney (crater)
Cremona (crater)
Crile (crater)
Crocco (crater)
Crommelin (lunar crater)
Crookes (crater)
Crozier (crater)
Crüger (crater)
Ctesibius (crater)
Curie (lunar crater)
Curtis (crater)
Curtius (crater)
Cusanus (crater)
Cuvier (crater)
Cyrano (crater)
Cyrillus (crater)
Cysatus (crater)
D. Brown (crater)
Da Vinci (lunar crater)
Daedalus (crater)
Dag (lunar crater)
Daguerre (crater)
D'Alembert (crater)
Dalton (crater)
Daly (lunar crater)
Damoiseau (crater)
Dandelion (crater)
Daniell (crater)
Danjon (crater)
Dante (crater)
Darney (crater)
D'Arrest (crater)
D'Arsonval (crater)
Darwin (lunar crater)
Das (crater)
Daubrée (crater)
Davisson (crater)
Davy (crater)
Dawes (lunar crater)
Dawson (crater)
De Forest (crater)
De Gasparis (crater)
De Gerlache (crater)
De La Rue (crater)
De Moraes (crater)
De Morgan (crater)
De Roy (crater)
De Sitter (crater)
De Vico (crater)
De Vries (crater)
Debes (crater)
Debus (crater)
Debye (crater)
Dechen (crater)
Delambre (crater)
Delaunay (crater)
Delia (crater)
Delisle (crater)
Dellinger (crater)
Delmotte (crater)
Delporte (crater)
Deluc (crater)
Dembowski (crater)
Democritus (crater)
Demonax (crater)
Denning (lunar crater)
Desargues (crater)
Descartes (crater)
Deseilligny (crater)
Deslandres (crater)
Deutsch (crater)
Dewar (crater)
Diana (crater)
Diderot (crater)
Dionysius (crater)
Diophantus (crater)
Dirichlet (crater)
Dobrovolʹskiy (crater)
Doerfel (crater)
Dollond (crater)
Donati (crater)
Donna (crater)
Donner (crater)
Doppelmayer (crater)
Doppler (crater)
Douglass (lunar crater)
Dove (crater)
Draper (crater)
Drebbel (crater)
Dreyer (crater)
Drude (crater)
Dryden (crater)
Drygalski (crater)
Dubyago (crater)
Dufay (crater)
Dugan (crater)
Dunér (crater)
Dunthorne (crater)
Dyson (crater)
Dziewulski (crater)
Eckert (crater)
Eddington (crater)
Edison (crater)
Edith (crater)
Egede (crater)
Ehrlich (crater)
Eichstadt (crater)
Eijkman (crater)
Eimmart (crater)
Einstein (crater)
Einthoven (crater)
Elger (crater)
Ellerman (crater)
Ellison (crater)
Elmer (crater)
Elvey (crater)
Emden (crater)
Encke (crater)
Endymion (crater)
Engelʹgardt (crater)
Eötvös (crater)
Epigenes (crater)
Epimenides (crater)
Eratosthenes (crater)
Erlanger (crater)
Erro (crater)
Esclangon (crater)
Esnault-Pelterie (crater)
Espin (crater)
Euclides (crater)
Euctemon (crater)
Eudoxus (lunar crater)
Euler (crater)
Evans (crater)
Evdokimov (crater)
Evershed (crater)
Ewen (crater)
Fabbroni (crater)
Fabricius (crater)
Fabry (crater)
Fahrenheit (crater)
Fairouz (crater)
Faraday (crater)
Faustini (crater)
Fauth (crater)
Faye (crater)
Fechner (crater)
Fedorov (crater)
Felix (crater)
Fényi (crater)
Feoktistov (crater)
Fermat (crater)
Fermi (crater)
Fernelius (crater)
Fersman (crater)
Fesenkov (lunar crater)
Feuillée (crater)
Fibiger (crater)
Finsch (crater)
Finsen (crater)
Firmicus (crater)
Firsov (crater)
Fischer (crater)
Fitzgerald (crater)
Fizeau (crater)
Flammarion (lunar crater)
Flamsteed (crater)
Fleming (crater)
Florensky (crater)
Florey (crater)
Focas (lunar crater)
Fontana (lunar crater)
Fontenelle (crater)

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