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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | CH | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Fire department ranks by country

Fire departments are structured differently around the world. Many firefighters are sworn members with command structures similar to the military and police. They do not have general police powers but have specific powers of enforcement and control in fire and emergency situations.


New South Wales

New South Wales Rural Fire Service
Operational rank Membership type Insignia
Commissioner NSW government senior executive service officer
Deputy commissioner NSW government senior executive service officer
Assistant commissioner NSW government senior executive service officer
Chief superintendent NSW government public service officer
Superintendent NSW government public service officer
Inspector NSW government public service officer
Group captain Volunteer
Deputy group captain Volunteer
Assistant group captain Volunteer
Captain Volunteer
Senior deputy captain Volunteer
Deputy captain Volunteer
Support fire fighter (no qualifications) Volunteer


Victoria Country Fire Authority
Administrative ranks for volunteer firefighters Helmet insignia Epaulette Hardboard
Group officer
Deputy group officer
Operational ranks for volunteer firefighters Helmet insignia Epaulette Hardboard
1st lieutenant
2nd to 5th lieutenant



Volunteer fire departments
Higher ranks Administrative ranks
Title Landesbranddirektor (LBD) Landesbranddirektor-Stv. (LBD-Stv.) Oberbrandrat (OBR) Brandrat (BR) Hauptverwalter (HV) Oberverwalter (OV) Verwalter (V)
Rank insignia
Leading ranks
Title Abteilungsbrandinspektor (ABI) Hauptbrandinspektor (HBI) Oberbrandinspektor (OBI) Brandinspektor (BI) Hauptbrandmeister (HBM) Oberbrandmeister (OBM) Brandmeister (BM)
Rank insignia
Sub-officers/crew commanders Firefighters and leading firefighters
Title Hauptlöschmeister (HLM) Oberlöschmeister (OLM) Löschmeister (LM) Löschmeister (LM)
18 years as firefighter
Hauptfeuerwehrmann (HFM) Oberfeuerwehrmann (OFM) Feuerwehrmann (FM) Probefeuerwehrmann (PFM)
Rank insignia Zdroj:https://en.wikipedia.org?pojem=Fire_department_ranks_by_country
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Zdroj: Wikipedia.org - čítajte viac o Fire department ranks by country

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