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Gottfried Vopelius
Engravings from Vopelius' 1693 Leipziger Gesangbuch, which was largely based on his earlier Neu Leipziger Gesangbuch (1682).[1]

Gottfried Vopelius (28 January 1645 – 3 February 1715), was a German Lutheran academic and hymn-writer, mainly active in Leipzig. He was born in Herwigsdorf, now a district of Rosenbach, Oberlausitz, and died in Leipzig at the age of 70.[2]

Neu Leipziger Gesangbuch

Pages 89–90 from the Neu Leipziger Gesangbuch: end of the section on Christmas (pp. 24–89) and start of the section on New Year (pp. 89–103), with the Lutheran hymn "Das alte Jahr vergangen ist"

Vopelius is primarily remembered for the Neu Leipziger Gesangbuch (New Leipzig Hymnal) which he published in 1682.[2][3][4] The subtitle of the publication reads:

... Von den schönsten und besten Liedern verfasset, In welchem Nicht allein des sel. Herrn D. Lutheri und andere mit Gottes Wort, und unveränderter Augsburgischer Confession überein stimmende, und in Christlicher Gemeine allhier, wie auch anderer reinen Evangelischen Orten und Landen eingeführete und gebräuchliche Gesänge, Lateinische Hymni und Psalmen, Mit 4. 5. bis 6. Stimmen, deren Melodeyen Theils aus Johann Herman Scheins Cantional, und andern guten Autoribus zusammen getragen, theils aber selbsten componiret; Sondern auch die Passion nach den heiligen Evangelisten Matthaeo und Johanne, die Auferstehung, die Missa, Praefationes, Responsoria und Collecten, auf die gewöhnlichen Sonn- und hohen Festtage, das Magnificat nach den 8. Tonis, Te Deum laudamus, Symbolum Nicaenum, &c. Choraliter, Und was sonsten bey dem ordentlichen Gottesdienste gesungen wird, zu finden

Or, translated:

... Compiled from the most beautiful and best songs; In which not only songs of the blessed Dr. Luther, and other (songs) with the Word of God, and in accord with the unmodified Augsburg Confession, but also (songs) as introduced and customary in other untainted Evangelical places and regions, and Latin hymns and psalms, set for four, five and up to six voices, the settings of which are partly collected from Johann Herman Schein's Cantional, and from other good authors, and partly also composed by myself, also, in particular, the Passion according to the holy Evangelists Matthew and John, the Resurrection, the Mass, Prefaces, Responsories and Collects, for ordinary Sundays and high Feasts, the Magnificat in the eight tones, Te Deum laudamus, Symbolum Nicenum, etc. choraliter, and whatever else is sung in regular church services, are to be found

The Neu Leipziger Gesangbuch is, to a certain degree, a third edition of Johann Schein's Cantional [scores], which originally had been published in 1627, with a new edition in 1645. Over 90 settings in the Neu Leipziger Gesangbuch were copied or adapted from Schein. All other composers are represented with less than 10 settings in the hymnal. Of these, only Johann Crüger and Andreas Hammerschmidt are mentioned for more than three settings.[5][6][7][8][9]

Legend to the table
Column Content
1 Page Page numbers in Neu Leipziger Gesangbuch, linking to the page of a digital facsimile at Google Books
2 Context
Characteristics as mentioned in the title or introduction of the song, inasmuch as such information is not covered by other columns of the table. Chapters of the book are indicated by rows with a grey background colour:
3 Incipit Text incipit (usually considered to be the name of the hymn or text)
4 Author Text author, as attributed in the book (may be incomplete and/or incorrect); "(transl.)" indicates that the author is mentioned as translator.
5 Setting Type of musical setting, e.g. "SATB hymn" refers to a hymn set as a four-part chorale, "Bc" refers to thoroughbass (basso continuo) accompaniment; Alternatively, page number of another hymn tune if so indicated in the book.
6 Composer Composer of the setting, as attributed in the book (may be incomplete and/or incorrect). For part songs this usually refers to the composer of the harmonisation.
7 Occasion Occasion for which the hymn is suitable, according to the Registers (after p. 1104)
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Lyrics and settings included in the Neu Leipziger Gesangbuch
Page Context Incipit Author Setting Composer Occasion
1–24 Von der Menschwerdung... (↑ Go to top of table ↑) Advent
0001 motet Hosianna dem Sohne... [choralwiki] SSATB
0006 Veni redemptor gentium Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland Luther (transl.) SATB hymn Advent
0008 Veni redemptor gentium Ambrose SATB hymn Schein Advent
0010 Bohemian Brethren Von Adam her so lange Zeit Weiße (transl.) p. 8 Advent
p. 24
0012 Bohemian Brethren Gottes Sohn ist kommen [de] Weiße (transl.) SATB hymn Advent
0014 Bohemian Brethren Menschenkind merck eben [de] Weiße (transl.) p. 12 Advent; Trinity IX
0016 sequence Mittit ad Virginem [choralwiki] Abelard chant Advent
Als der gütige Gott (after Mittit...)
0018 antiphon (Advent) Ecce Dominus veniet [choralwiki] chant
0019 responsory (Advent) Rex noster adveniet Christus chant
0020 preface (ordinary) Dominus vobiscum chant
0022 collects (etc.) Benedicamus Domino chant Advent
24–89 Von der Geburt Jesu Christi (↑ Go to top of table ↑) Christmas
0024 birth of Christ Vom Himmel hoch, da komm... Luther SATB hymn ChristmasCandlemas
0027 birth of Christ Vom Himmel kam der Engel... Luther p. 24 ChristmasCandlemas
0028 A solis ortus cardine A solis ortus cardine Sedulius SATB hymn Schein ChristmasCandlemas
0030 Christum wir sollen loben schon Luther (transl.) p. 28
0031 song of praise Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ Luther SATB hymn ChristmasCandlemas
0033 Dies est laetitiae [choralwiki] Dies est laetitiae [choralwiki] chant ChristmasCandlemas
0034 Der Tag der ist so... [choralwiki] Luther (transl.) SATB hymn
0037 birth of Christ Nun ist es Zeit, zu singen hell [de] Helmbold SATB hymn Schein ChristmasCandlemas
0039 Hussite macaronic In dulci jubilo Dresdensis [de] SATB hymn Schein ChristmasCandlemas
0041 Puer natus (Huss. mac.) Puer natus in Bethlehem Dresdensis [de] SATB hymn ChristmasCandlemas
0042 Ein Kind geborn zu Bethlehem
0043 birth of Christ Uns ist geborn ein Kindelein Luther p. 41 ChristmasCandlemas
0043 birth of Christ Uns ist ein... Des... [choralwiki] p. 505 ChristmasCandlemas
0044 Christmas night [de] Quem pastores laudavere SATB x 4 ChristmasCandlemas
0046 birth of Christ Weil Maria schwanger ging Weiße (transl.) p. 34 EpiphanyCandlemas
0048 Christmas night [de] Nunc angelorum gloria [de] SATB hymn ChristmasCandlemas
0050 birth of Christ Heut sind die lieben Engelein SATB hymn ChristmasCandlemas
0053 birth of Christ Uns ist ein... Ein... [choralwiki] p. 592 ChristmasCandlemas
0053 birth of Christ Laßt uns alle fröhlich sein SATB hymn ChristmasCandlemas
0055 birth of Christ Wir Christenleut habn itzund... SATB hymn ChristmasCandlemas
0057 birth of Christ Lobt Gott ihr Christen... Herman SATB hymn ChristmasCandlemas
0059 In natali Domini [choralwiki] In natali Domini [choralwiki] p. 589 ChristmasCandlemas
Als Christus gebohren war
0060 birth of Christ Ein Kindlein zart, göttlicher Art SATB hymn ChristmasCandlemas
0062 3 voices Freuet euch, ihr... SSB Hammerschmidt ChristmasCandlemas
0065 Benedicamus (instead of) Fit porta Christi... [choralwiki] SATB hymn ChristmasCandlemas; Annunciation
0068 birth of Christ Ihr Gestirn, ihr holen Lüfte Franck, J. SATB hymn Petri ChristmasCandlemas
0070 birth of Christ Ermuntre dich, mein... Rist SATB hymn ChristmasCandlemas
0073 Heu! quid... [choralwiki] Heu! quid jaces stabulo [choralwiki] Mombaer SATB hymn Franck, M. ChristmasCandlemas
0076 Warum liegt im Krippelein
0076 Grates nunc omnes Grates nunc omnes Gregory chant ChristmasCandlemas
Danksagen wir alle Gott Alberus (transl.)
0077 Incarnation of Jesus Christ Virga Jesse floruit SATB & Bc ChristmasCandlemas
0084 responsory (from John 1) Verbum caro factum... chant Christmas; New Year; Candlemas
0085 preface Dominus vobiscum chant Christmas; New Year; Candlemas
0088 collects (etc.) Benedicamus Domino chant Christmas; New Year; Epiph.; Candlem.; Annunc.