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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | CH | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Longitude of periapsis
ϖ = Ω + ω in separate planes.

In celestial mechanics, the longitude of the periapsis, also called longitude of the pericenter, of an orbiting body is the longitude (measured from the point of the vernal equinox) at which the periapsis (closest approach to the central body) would occur if the body's orbit inclination were zero. It is usually denoted ϖ.

For the motion of a planet around the Sun, this position is called longitude of perihelion ϖ, which is the sum of the longitude of the ascending node Ω, and the argument of perihelion ω.[1][2]

The longitude of periapsis is a compound angle, with part of it being measured in the plane of reference and the rest being measured in the plane of the orbit. Likewise, any angle derived from the longitude of periapsis (e.g., mean longitude and true longitude) will also be compound.

Sometimes, the term longitude of periapsis is used to refer to ω, the angle between the ascending node and the periapsis. That usage of the term is especially common in discussions of binary stars and exoplanets.[3][4] However, the angle ω is less ambiguously known as the argument of periapsis.

Calculation from state vectors

ϖ is the sum of the longitude of ascending node Ω (measured on ecliptic plane) and the argument of periapsis ω (measured on orbital plane):

which are derived from the orbital state vectors.

Derivation of ecliptic longitude and latitude of perihelion for inclined orbits

Define the following:

  • i, inclination
  • ω, argument of perihelion
  • Ω, longitude of ascending node
  • ε, obliquity of the ecliptic (for the standard equinox of 2000.0, use 23.43929111°)


  • A = cos ω cos Ω – sin ω sin Ω cos i
  • B = cos ε (cos ω sin Ω + sin ω cos Ω cos i) – sin ε sin ω sin i
  • C = sin ε (cos ω sin Ω + sin ω cos Ω cos i) + cos ε sin ω sin i

The right ascension α and declination δ of the direction of perihelion are:

tan α = B/A
sin δ = C

If A < 0, add 180° to α to obtain the correct quadrant.

The ecliptic longitude ϖ and latitude b of perihelion are:

tan ϖ = sin α cos ε + tan δ sin ε/cos α
sin b = sin δ cos ε – cos δ sin ε sin α

If cos(α) < 0, add 180° to ϖ to obtain the correct quadrant.

As an example, using the most up-to-date numbers from Brown (2017)[5] for the hypothetical Planet Nine with i = 30°, ω = 136.92°, and Ω = 94°, then α = 237.38°, δ = +0.41° and ϖ = 235.00°, b = +19.97° (Brown actually provides i, Ω, and ϖ, from which ω was computed).


  1. ^ Urban, Sean E.; Seidelmann, P. Kenneth (eds.). "Chapter 8: Orbital Ephemerides of the Sun, Moon, and Planets" (PDF). Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac. University Science Books. p. 26.
  2. ^ Simon, J. L.; et al. (1994). "Numerical expressions for precession formulae and mean elements for the Moon and the planets". Astronomy and Astrophysics. 282: 663–683, 672. Bibcode:1994A&A...282..663S.
  3. ^ Robert Grant Aitken (1918). The Binary Stars. Semicentennial Publications of the University of California. D.C. McMurtrie. p. 201.
  4. ^ "Format" Archived 2009-02-25 at the Wayback Machine in Sixth Catalog of Orbits of Visual Binary Stars Archived 2009-04-12 at the Wayback Machine, William I. Hartkopf & Brian D. Mason, U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C. Accessed on 10 January 2018.
  5. ^ Brown, Michael E. (2017) “Planet Nine: where are you? (part 1)” The Search for Planet Nine. http://www.findplanetnine.com/2017/09/planet-nine-where-are-you-part-1.html
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Celestial mechanics
Pi (letter)#Variant pi
Argument of perihelion
Plane of reference
Mean longitude
True longitude
Argument of periapsis
Longitude of ascending node
Argument of periapsis
Orbital state vectors
Planet Nine
Bibcode (identifier)
Wayback Machine
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Template talk:Orbits
List of orbits
Box orbit
Parabolic trajectory
Circular orbit
Elliptic orbit
Highly elliptical orbit
Parabolic trajectory
Horseshoe orbit
Hyperbolic trajectory
Inclined orbit
Non-inclined orbit
Kepler orbit
Lagrange point
Osculating orbit
Parabolic trajectory
Parking orbit
Retrograde and prograde motion
Synchronous orbit
Semi-synchronous orbit
Subsynchronous orbit
Hohmann transfer orbit
Geocentric orbit
Geosynchronous orbit
Geostationary orbit
Geostationary transfer orbit
Graveyard orbit
High Earth orbit
Low Earth orbit
Medium Earth orbit
Molniya orbit
Near-equatorial orbit
Orbit of the Moon
Polar orbit
Sun-synchronous orbit
Transatmospheric orbit
Tundra orbit
Very low Earth orbit
Areocentric orbit
Areosynchronous orbit
Areostationary orbit
Distant retrograde orbit
Halo orbit
Lissajous orbit
Libration point orbit
Lunar orbit
Heliocentric orbit
Earth's orbit
Mars cycler
Sun-synchronous orbit
Lunar cycler
Orbital elements
Orbital eccentricity
Semi-major and semi-minor axes
Semi-major and semi-minor axes
Orbital inclination
Longitude of the ascending node
Argument of periapsis
Longitude of the periapsis
Mean anomaly
True anomaly
Eccentric anomaly
Mean longitude
True longitude
Orbital period
Mean motion
Orbital speed
Epoch (astronomy)
Orbital maneuver
Bi-elliptic transfer
Collision avoidance (spacecraft)
Delta-v budget
Gravity assist
Gravity turn
Hohmann transfer orbit
Orbital inclination change
Low-energy transfer
Oberth effect
Orbit phasing
Tsiolkovsky rocket equation
Space rendezvous
Trans-lunar injection
Transposition, docking, and extraction
Orbital mechanics
Astronomical coordinate systems
Characteristic energy
Escape velocity
Equatorial coordinate system
Ground track
Hill sphere
Interplanetary Transport Network
Kepler's laws of planetary motion
Lagrange point
N-body problem
Orbit equation
Orbital state vectors
Perturbation (astronomy)
Retrograde and prograde motion
Specific orbital energy
Specific angular momentum
Two-line element set
List of orbits
Longitude of periapsis
Longitude of periapsis
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