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Template talk:Regions and administrative divisions of Japan

How is having the flag of Japan on the mediawiki being partisan?

Now, the "subdivisions of countries" mediawikis all have the flags of their respective countries.

WhisperToMe 01:52, 2 May 2004 (UTC)

There was a reason I changed those links to ... the link should match the article since the link will not be disabled on the appropriate page if it is going through a redirect. There are 2 options, change the template or MOVE the articles (an option that is unavailable to me). -- EmperorBMA|話す 16:26, 7 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Honshū not on the template?

Hello, don't you think Honshū (the biggest island) would deserve to appear on this template?

laug (talk) 14:12, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

This template is based on the official geographical division used by the government. Honshu is commonly subdivided into the five regions: Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu, Kinki (Kansai) and Chugoku. Although Honshu is a single island, these regions have many differences, including the historical East/West or East/Central/West divide. So "Honshu" is too broad a category here.
As for the "Regions" part, I think we need subdivisions of Hokkaido, Tohoku, and Kanto mentioned in this article ja:日本の地域:
Hokkaido: Dōhoku (North), Dōtō (East), Dōō (Central) and Dōnan (South)
Tohoku: Kita-Tōhoku (North) and Minami-Tōhoku (South)
Kanto: Kita-Kantō (North) and Minami-Kantō (South)
Shinkansen Fan (talk) 07:39, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

Request for comment

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